22nd January, Hong Kong, China: The project's "JC Fit City – Run With Your Heart 2025" Sports Carnival will be held coming Saturday (25 January) at the West Kowloon Cultural District. The Sports Carnival, an annual event of the JC Fit City, aims to bring together people from various backgrounds and abilities through a variety of accessible sports activities, allowing everyone to enjoy the spirit of sports. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about this free event to your network using the following promotion message and the attached event poster.
【有得玩仲有表演睇!齊Join運動嘉年華】 JC Fit City將於1月25日舉行毅力十二愛心跑2025暨運動嘉年華,可以做運動,又可以玩,啱晒一家大細,快啲報名啦! 當日嘅運動嘉年華有豐富嘅活動,包括大人小朋友都啱玩嘅大型吹氣裝置、敏捷度挑戰等運動攤位。為迎合即將來臨嘅農曆新年,亦設有多個新春工作坊,玩完亦可到大草坪嘅新春風車、燈籠牆及幸運輪打卡! 主舞台嘅活動更由朝早9點開始到下午6點連綿不絕~喺度由朝玩到晚都無問題! 玩完攤位打完卡,仲有精美禮品供大家換取,有得玩、有表演睇又有得換禮物。1月25號記得嚟西九文化區參加《賽馬會好動城市計劃 - 毅力十二愛心跑2025暨運動嘉年華》! 賽馬會好動城市計劃 - 毅力十二愛心跑2025暨運動嘉年華 日期:2025年1月25號 時間:8:00~18:00 地點:西九文化區大草坪 詳情及報名:https://jcfitcity.hk/zh-Hant/event/Run-With-Your-Heart-EACT-20250125