Arrival of guests |
Bandar and Sheikh Talal |
Danny, Sheikh and Vivien |
Egypt and Qatar delegates |
Prince Hakim, Abdulsalam and Sheikh |
Trisha Leahy and Karl C Kwok |
Mike Seymour and guests |
Paeng and Sheikh Talal |
Vivien Lau and guests |
Guests |
VIPs |
VIPs |
Emcee |
Federation guests |
Federation guests |
Federation guests |
Delegate, Janawicz and Danny |
Emcee |
Australia marchpast |
China marchpast |
DPR Korea marchpast |
Guam marchpast |
India marchpast |
Indonesia marchpast |
Japan marchpast |
Kazahkstan marchpast |
Kuwait marchpast |
Macau marchpast |
Malaysia marchpast |
New Zealand marchpast |
Philippines marchpast |
Qatar marchpast |
Saudi Arabia marchpast |
Singapore marchpast |
Chinese Taipei marchpast |
Thailand marchpast |
Turkmenistan marchpast |
UAE marchpast |
Uzbekistan marchpast |
Hong Kong marchpast |
Teams Parade |
Vivien Lau speech |
Sheikh Talal speech |
Florence Hui speech |
Karl C. Kwok speech |
Athletes oath |
Official oath |
Sheikh dotting lions eyes |
Karl Kwok dotting lions eyes |
Dr Haywood Cheung dotting lions eyes |
Lion Dance |
Lion Dance |
Lion wishing Good Luck |
Group photo |
Exco Members and VVIPs |
VVIPs wishing luck |
Sheild Talal and Kuwait team |
Sheikh Talal, embassy and Kuwait team |
Sheikh Talal , Prince Hakim and Saudi team |
Prince Hakim and Saudi team |
Sheikh Talal and Turkmenistan team |